
Things I’ve Learned Working With Women

1. Women sure do think of about their relationship more than men, way more. That’s why when they ask us about our relationship, we answer, “Uh, what, I don’t know.”

2. Women cry out of the blue. Stereo typically we think women are always releasing their emotions. But they seem to hold them in, then the water works begin, not big tears, but trying not to cry tears.  These tears occur over a confluence of events, work, boyfriend etc… . After the cry happens, they brighten up, and seem to be happy.

3. When women date or are in a relationship they really, really want to know what the man is thinking.  If they can figure this out, they feel in control.

4. Women have their own mathematical formula to relationships. “How long was his last relationship?”  ”How long was he single?”   “How many relationships has he had?”  It seems they add these  numbers, months, yrs into some equation that gives them an insight. But really it’s a comfort formula.


It Was A Blast Shooting Point Break.

Yup That’s me in Point Break. Not everyone can say they’ve worked with an Oscar Award winning director. Not everyone can say they’ve worked with the first female Oscar Award winning director. I can! Kathryn Bigelow was and is the Tops! I did a pretty good job in the picture too.  My Friend sent me this link: http://www.buzzfeed.com/mikehayes/ten-things-you-didnt-know-about-point-break

Thought some of you would dig it. At first I was submitted for one of the Surfers, because my hair was half way down my back, but I got it cut. So I went in for Detective Babbit. We will see if they bring me back for Point Break 2.  I have more photos on my FB fan page, link here on Tumblr.

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Things I’ve Learned Working With Women

1.  Women are really, really hard on themselves. Especially when they compare themselves to other women.

2. Even good girls have bad thoughts, very, very bad thoughts.

3. Secretly, women don’t want you to help them solve their problems, they just want you to listen. 

P.S. More insights to come, when I learn more from Working With Women.