
Point Break Reunion


On my Facebook fan page I’ve received responses regarding the remake of Point Break. (I always like hearing from fans.)  None of them are positive about the remake.  That seems to be the over all sentiment, which I’m sure fans of the film who are reading this feel the same way. I’m amazed at how personal fans of the original are taking this remake. They are so protective. Yes, films do matter.  I don’t think they are bring any of the cast back for the remake. The film will be set in extreme sports in Europe.  Why call it Point Break? The title is money, the fan base is money, the brand is money.  Remember Show Business is about making money.  I sincerely hope the new Point Break does well and is a good film. I always root for my industry to do well. I’m not a bitter person. You never know they may make a great new Point Break.

In the midst of all this remake chatter, I got to reunite with Bojesse Christopher, who was in the original Point Break. He was one of the surfers, and was dynamite in it. We were cast in the short film Extraction and got to act together.  My gosh it was great to see him. We became friends during Point Break and through the years after the shoot, but we lost touch. We talked about Point Break, mostly that we couldn’t believe it became a classic. And that should have remade it years ago. I don’t think Hollywood realized how that film caught on after it was released. It was not a hit at the box office. Simply, it was a film ahead of it’s time.  When you’re a actor the films you work on are like year books of your life. It was great to see my classmate from Point Break Bojesse.  That’s us in the photo.  You will be seeing both of us in more films and t.v. shows ahead.  When you work in the motion picture business, you never know when you’ll be a part of a classic till years later. Classics are always originals.