
Booooo! My first Horror Con signing.

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Really looking forward to meeting everyone, and I have questions for the fans of Creepshow 2.  I have no idea what to expect, since it’s my first convention.  I hope everyone is nice, and it’s good fun.  The folks at The Four State Slasher Con have been really cool.  https://www.facebook.com/fourstateslashercon?pnref=story  What’s groovy about this Con is that there going to have live music, and other events, kinda like a festival.  I think the date it starts is Oct 16th, but double check.   Until then, boooooooo!

Ladies and gentleman it is an honor to say we will be the first horror con that DANIEL BEER has ever attended! This also means that we will be the FIRST convention to have the lead role actor from each segment of CREEPSHOW 2!!!! Creepshow 2 Lead Role Reunion!

-Daniel Beer – “Randy” in THE RAFT. * 1st ever convention appearance! * Also starred in POINT BREAK, HELL HIGH and more!)

– Tom Wright – “The Hitchhiker” * 1st East Coast Appearance!*
-Dan Kamin- Ol’ Chief Woodenhead